Soft toys - cute and cheap in our online shop

They help you fall asleep and are usually the best friend in the children's room: cuddly soft toys. Not only are children their fans, but adults also enjoy the cuddly pets. Whether you are looking for perennial favourites such as teddy bears or novel items such as sloths, in our online shop you will find a large selection of different soft toys and you can order them quickly and cheaply.

Since the middle of the 19th century, cuddly animals have been produced as toys for children. At that time still a rarity, cuddly toys today are inexpensive and available in many shapes, sizes and colours. The classic of all soft animals is of course the teddy bear, but rabbits, cats or dogs are now also among the popular heroes made of fabric in the children's room. We at IKO Import have therefore made it our business to present our customers with a wide selection of soft toys to suit every taste. Many cuddly toys have belonged to children since babyhood and often accompany them throughout their lives. Therefore, we attach great importance to the quality of our products and check them consistently.

IKO Import offers you a wide selection of high-quality soft toys at a reasonable price

For 40 years, we at IKO Import have been your competent partner when it comes to obtaining decorative items or gifts such as stuffed toy animals cheaply and in good quality. With the wide selection in our well-assorted assortment, everyone will find the right article. We also supply customers abroad quickly and easily thanks to our decades of experience. But soft toys are not all you will find here. As a renowned importer of gift articles, we also offer you a wide range of decorative articles for seasonal occasions as well as for year-round use. You will find traditional gift articles as well as trendy highlights - and as always at the well-known low IKO prices. Convince yourself of our assortment and our quality standards and order today from our comprehensive online shop.

Our Topsellers in Plush
Bear h=100cm (sitting: 64cm)
Item No.: 1271
in stock
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Prices only visible for registered users
Prices only visible for registered users
Prices only visible for registered users
Bear white w.heart & scarf h=100cm
Item No.: 1212
in stock
Prices only visible for registered users
Prices only visible for registered users
Prices only visible for registered users
Plush-Owl standing h=17cm assort.
Item No.: 4289
in stock
Prices only visible for registered users
Prices only visible for registered users
Panda-bear h=100cm sitting
Item No.: 1275
in stock
Prices only visible for registered users

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Entdecken Sie unsere vielfältige Sammlung von kuscheligen und bezaubernden Plüschspielzeugen und -accessoires, exklusiv bei IKO. Unsere Plüschartikel-Kollektion ist eine Hommage an die Freude und das Glück, die diese liebevoll gestalteten Stofftiere und Accessoires in das Leben von Menschen jeden Alters bringen können. Von niedlichen Tieren über fantasievolle Charaktere bis hin zu ausgefallenen Plüschaccessoires – wir bei IKO bieten eine breite Palette von Optionen, um Ihre Sinne zu begeistern.

Warum IKO Plüschartikel?

IKO Plüschartikel sind nicht nur einfache Stofftiere – sie sind Gefährten, Freunde und Vertraute. Diese charmanten Begleiter von bieten Trost, fördern die Fantasie und vermitteln ein Gefühl von Geborgenheit. Sie sind perfekte Geschenke für besondere Anlässe oder um sich selbst zu verwöhnen.

Unsere Produktpalette:

Unser Sortiment umfasst eine faszinierende Auswahl an Plüschartikeln für jeden Geschmack. Von niedlichen Tierfiguren, die die Tierwelt zum Leben erwecken, bis hin zu Charakterplüschtieren, die von beliebten Filmen und Geschichten inspiriert sind – wir bei IKO haben für jeden etwas dabei. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch eine Auswahl an hochwertigen Plüschaccessoires wie Kissen, Decken und Schlüsselanhängern, die Ihrem Alltag eine extra Portion Gemütlichkeit verleihen.

Qualität und Design bei IKO:

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